[REBLOG] The Book Lantern - "How Do You Read A Book? Any Way You Want To."
"No interpretation of a book is wrong, as I’ve said before, a few exceptions aside. It is not Green’s place, Roth’s place, or anyone’s place to tell you, as a reader who probably put money down to purchase a book, how to read a book. When you study English literature, sometimes you’re told to take on a certain perspective when analysing a text. That’s standard academic fare. That doesn’t mean that everyone reading from, say, a post-feminist perspective will come to the same conclusions about a story. We don’t all think the same way. Literature, and indeed basic thought, doesn’t work that way."
We're discussing Veronica Roth's shocker ending to "Allegiant" (no spoilers), John Green's utter condescension towards readers & why no one interpretation of a story is the default mode, even when an author tells you it is.
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