A Feast with Dragons Reread (ADWD 4 - AFFC 6)
Participating in the boiledleather.com AFFC/ADWD combined reread, which puts the books that were split by geographic location back in (loose) chronological order. I'll be updating with thoughts on chapters finished and since this is a reread, may contain spoilers.
Jon I: Foreshadowing, the chapter.
Bran I: Oh Coldhands, you've given us so much to think about over the last few years and finally a lot of speculation is spelled out. He doesn't breathe. He isn't alive. His hands are black from blood pooling in them.
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Additionally, Bran's warging is getting out of control. I don't trust Varamyr that warging into humans makes you go mad, but Hodor clearly doesn't like it.
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It explains the Golden Company, which even Tyrion in his current state is suspicious of.
Quentyn I: Ugh.
Sorry, I should try to be more eloquent. Quentyn is ugh.
Samwell I: Snowflakes melting in his hair. Saying goodbye to another brother, just like Rob. Jon, you're breaking my heart.
- Jon I: ADWD 4
- Bran I: ADWD 5
- Tyrion II: ADWD 6
- The Merchant’s Man (Quentyn I): ADWD 7 ^
- Samwell I: AFFC 6
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